"I thought thore was much too much ado ovor Ann Aldri ohBannon. She's proof that automation has reached tho literary (?) field. I don't believe she exists at all but is really a creation by I. B. M."
C. L. California
"Just finished chuckling over your August 'Ann Aldrich' issue. After roading Miss A's first two books I gave up wondering whose side she was on; and after her latest I congratulate you on your romarkable restraint. For myself, all I can say is, it's a good thing poople aron't mind readers! Dr. Foster's theory on the lady's split personality is most interesting. If Annie would stop judging all Lesbians by herself, she'd be pleasantly surprised.
"I hadn't yet discoverod DOB in 1958, but have been reading THE LADDER sinoo June, 1959, and I'm afraid our orphan just landed on the wrong planot. Of course, I didn't like ovory article, but didn't expect to. If overyone had the same tastes, this would be a pretty monotonous world.
"Your pro and con stories on the married Lesbian are quite good, and I hope you continuo thom. While I havo nover run into this situation, I do have very definite ideas about it; have always believed you can't have your cake and eat it, too. Am now beginning to think I have been guilty of unfairness, hence the request for more sides to the picture."
M. J. H., Illinois
"Have just finished reading CAROL IN A THOUSAND CITIES. Let us remember that the author writes for cold cash,
no causo.
"I believe Mr. (?) Ann Aldrich-Vin Packer would like to bo considered foremost in the field of Lesbian literaturo and is fast losing out.